
Как выбрать качественные замороженные морепродукты из Китая для импорта?

Feb 09 , 2023

How to select quality frozen seafood products from China to import?

Speaking of imported seafood, seafood buyers all over the world may have some experience, but I believe that there have been many bad things in the procurement process. Today, fuwanhang will give you some tips on how to buy good quality frozen seafood products in China.

First, the strength of the company. A good frozen seafood company can solve most of your problems. They can not only provide high-quality supplies to customers, for example, fuwanhang, As a seafood exporter with 13 years of export experience, we not only have reliable factories with sufficient supply, Besides, good service ability and after-sale problem solving ability can give customers a good shopping experience.

Secondly, the quality of seafood. The selection of frozen seafood pays the most attention to freshness. The frozen squid products of fuwanhang are all new and very fresh. As a well-known seafood company in China, fuwanhang has a wide variety of seafood products, in addition to popular raw materials such as Argentina squid, equatorial squid and Peru squid, as well as processed products such as squid flowers and squid rings. For more information, please click:https://www.fwhsquid.com/ 

Экваториальный кальмар
Хвост перуанского кальмара
Филе кальмара
Кольцо кальмара из Индийского океана
Equator Gigas Squid
Peru Squid Tail
Squid Fillet
Indian Ocean Squid Ring

Наконец, fuwanhang сотрудничает с импортерами из более чем 30 стран, таких как Таиланд, Вьетнам, Япония, Южная Корея, Малайзия и Сингапур, и является надежным поставщиком морепродуктов. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами как можно скорее, чтобы поддержать долгосрочное сотрудничество по заказу.

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